Update: New ad images are continuously being released so I will update as I get them.
To see the other ads for GAP, click here.
To see the other ads for GAP, click here.

Models: Ai Tominaga (Marilyn)
Ad Campaign: (Japan) GAP, Spring/Summer 2009
Photographer: Mikael Jansson
Source: GAP.co.jp
Ad Campaign: (Japan) GAP, Spring/Summer 2009
Photographer: Mikael Jansson
Source: GAP.co.jp
the gap needs a new artistic director. even these beautiful ppl can't make these clothes look good. gross!!!
or new clothes in general... GAP's clothes are so stagnant, but i suppose that's the appeal... the everyday wear
wow the blonde girl in the second picture looks stunning....from the waist up - those pants are so crappy, they are like the ones u throw out! I wouldnt pay $50 for those crappy capri things....
Really great photography ( http://www.modelcruz.com )by Mikael Jansson.
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