The names below the models are designers from Hong Kong.
Does anyone know which agency Dinara Chetyrova is signed with in the US? She is no longer with Elite Models and has moved on to Ford in Europe.
Models (left to right): Patti (Model Genesis HK), Jeanine Chin (Code), Dinara Chetyrova (Ford Europe) & Liu Dan (MC2)
Editorial: Fashion Without Borders
Magazine: V Magazine #61, September 2009
Photographer: Victoria Tang
Stylist: ChinaTown
Source: V Magazine
Does anyone know which agency Dinara Chetyrova is signed with in the US? She is no longer with Elite Models and has moved on to Ford in Europe.
Editorial: Fashion Without Borders
Magazine: V Magazine #61, September 2009
Photographer: Victoria Tang
Stylist: ChinaTown
Source: V Magazine
loved this feature in V magazine. also, Liu Dan looks gorgeous.
i like it, so edgy. and that jeanine is like this giant rabbit just makes it even better.
She is signed with Look Model. I`ve found recently, looking through their web-site. Some other Asian girls are with LM, too.
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